Friday, January 9, 2015


Is this real? Could it really be? I've dreamed this for far too long. Some say be careful what you wish for, you just might get it...that made me wish even harder. I dared to dream to be with you again, and here we are, this is real..we're in this cozy little spot that you chose of course, sitting so close to each other, I forgot what it feels like. Your face is glowing from the flicker of the fireplace. My fingers softly brush against your skin. Your eyes speak to me with with a hint of sadness.  Maybe life hasn't been easy on you. I love that about you- how your eyes reveal your story.

 We are careful how we spend this time. It is too valuable, too precious. It is not a picture in my head anymore. We are here, and you are the one that welcomed it. You kiss me, and I feel as if I slip out of myself, I'm suspended somewhere between space and time, perhaps this is what heaven feels like. I feel  your lips on mine, and I'm  holding on to this moment, I try to grasp it, and savor it, before it slips away from me.. again... I know this feeling won't last, it can't- anything this magical is always so fleeting. Who knows what's next for us?

In my mind, I'm snapping pictures of you over and over again, so that I never lose the image of your  face...that beautiful face. . The night begins to close in on us, and we are the only ones left in this place. This will forever be the place where it all begins again. We are encompassed by old feelings and memories, but in some ways, it feels new, and fresh again.  At once, you get up and pull me toward you, I look up at you feeling like a child, filled with hope and wonder,  and for the first time in a long time, I feel no fear. I give myself permission to lose myself in you. I know that I want to be with you now, with no thoughts of tomorrow. Being with you is all that matters. It's all that ever did...

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