Monday, March 30, 2015

Unmasked (A Memory of You)

Soft colorful illusions of you swirl around me like a tribal dance.  Your scent lingers on my clothing long after the moment is gone. My memory carefully plays back every word you've ever said to me, and the many ways you like to study me. Your enchanting eyes glow like the sun kissed sea. I'm drenched with unrelenting passion for you..there is no separation between us and all that is blissful.

Tangled in a web of hopefullnesss and denial.
Torn between loving you and letting you go, letting me go..I wonder if I should allow myself to be unmasked, and really have you see me..all of me..the vulnerable child in me, the strong woman that I want to be, the secret parts that I try to conceal. Should I let you see the girl who is completely and madly in love with you? Will you embrace my every flaw and all of the rawness in me? Will I ever surrender, or will I choose to let the fantasy of you remain? Once again..

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Poem by J. Medina

Beauty glides past my window, silky soft serene wisps of cloudy illusion that graces our spaces and is gone with nothing but the memory to sustain the hunger built for looking.. hoping for beauty to glide past my window again.